- Is the water here safe to drink? 这儿的水能喝吗?
- Why Mineral Water is the Healthiest Water to Drink? 为什么矿泉水是最健康的饮用水?
- Is the water from the taps on planes safe? 问:飞机上的自来水安全吗?
- Is the water polluted at source or further downstream? 河水是在源头还是在流出之後受到污染的?
- Below the water table is the zone of saturation. 潜水面以下就是饱水带。
- The deep is the water,the better for swimming. 水越深,越好游泳。
- How is the water being heated all the time? 水一直是怎样加热的?
- Is the water polluted at source? 河水是在源头受到污染的吗?
- What is the heat of the water in the swimming pool? 游泳池的水冷热如何?
- That is the only way to water down its influence. 这是冲淡它的影响的唯一办法。
- Swimming is the best way to tone up your body. 游泳是健体强身的最好方法。
- Dark plum soup is the best thing to drink in summer. 酸梅汤是很好的消暑饮品。
- This is the place where dippers drink water. 这是河鸟喝水的地方。
- Is the water / electricity on yet? 自来水/电通了吗?
- How is the water polluted? Let's find the reason. 蝴蝶:水怎么会被污染呢?我们去找找原因吧。
- Is the main part of the water control project. 就是木兰陂的主体工程部分。
- The deep is the water, the better for swimming. 水越深,越好游泳。
- Why is the water in the fish tank so cloudy? 为什么鱼缸里的水那么浑浊啊?
- Mick is the last man to break his word. 迈克绝不是不守承诺的人。
- Sunday is the best day to check the want ads. 星期天是在报纸上查寻招聘广告的最好的日子。